10x Your Skills, 10x Your Network & 10x Your Career
One-stop destination for students and professionals looking to accelerate their growth. Our mission is to build India’s largest and most impactful tech community, empowering learners from X to 10X!
Tier 3 to Tech Giants: The Ultimate Roadmap
Learn about the right skills & roadmap to crack FAANG-level companies
5 Feb
KodeinKGP Society – IIT Kharagpur
Past Collaborations
Web & Coding Club – IIT Bombay
Analytics Club – IIM Calcutta
Program Head | 10X Club
Learn the most in-demand coding languages and technologies
sought after by top companies.
In collaboration with
KodeinKGP - IIT Kharagpur
In collaboration with
S&T Council - IIT Kanpur
In collaboration with
KodeinKGP - IIT Kharagpur
In collaboration with
S&T Council - IIT Kanpur
An elite hub for students, offering a one-stop destination to achieve remarkable outcomes through open source innovation, competition and projects
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Coding Ninjas
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Explore other 10X Chapters while we review your application.
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Since you are not a working professional, you are not
eligible for our Job Bootcamp program. Our Upskilling
Courses webinar is a better fit for you.
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You shall get a callback from a Tech Industry Expert shortly. Stay tuned!
Hey there!
As a pre final year student, you need to provide an
undertaking from your college permitting you to work
next year before gaining admission into our program.
You are more suitable for the
Career Camp Professionals program
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Hey there!
Based on your graduation year, we cannot provide you admission
into our Career Camp program. We recommend you to explore
the scholarship that we provide for our courses.
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